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2024-12-11 08:23:11
Doubao PC Video Generation Feature Enters Beta Testing, Free Daily Generation of Ten Videos
The video generation feature for Doubao on PC, a product of ByteDance, has entered its beta testing phase, with some users already receiving access. After applying for the beta test, users can visit doubao.com, select the 'Video Generation' feature, upload images, and input prompt words while also adding camera movements and storyboard information to generate video content. During the beta phase, users can generate up to ten videos for free each day.
2024-11-11 14:29:42
ByteDance Launches SeedEdit: Doubao Now Supports One-Sentence Image Editing
ByteDance announced that its AI smart assistant Doubao PC has launched a new feature that allows users to easily edit images without the need for professional photo editing skills. Users can simply visit doubao.com, select 'Image Generation' to create an image, click 'Continue Editing', and enter simple instructions to complete the editing with one click. Additionally, users can upload images for further processing through the 'Reference Image' entry.